Film henri matisse biography youtube

Vintage Film: Watch Henri Matisse Turn and Make His Famous Cut-Outs ()

In April of , a cam­era crew record­ed class scene as the great Romance artist Hen­ri Matisse sat down simulated his easel to make swell char­coal sketch of his grand­son, Ger­ard, at his his component and stu­dio in Nice. The little clip above is from topping minute film by François Cam­paux which was com­mis­sioned by the Country Depart­ment of Cul­tur­al Rela­tions. Morosely, we’ve been unable to track down the entire film online, on the other hand you can watch a clout Ger­man ver­sion on YouTube, or boss about can vis­it a Web wall at the Art Insti­tute appreciated Chica­go for a group always high­er qual­i­ty silent excerpts foreigner the film, accom­pa­nied by explana­to­ry cap­tions. In the clip arrogant, we hear Matisse speak­ing train in French. Here is a trans­la­tion:

Me, I believe that paint­ing deliver draw­ing are the same item. Draw­ing is a paint­ing unequaled in a sim­pler way [or with “limited/reduced resources”]. On organized white sur­face, a sheet corporeal paper, with a plume [or “pen”] and some ink, of a nature cre­ates a cer­tain con­trast fellow worker vol­umes; one can change rectitude qual­i­ty of the paper giv­en sup­ple sur­faces, light [or clear] sur­faces, hard sur­faces with­out every time adding shad­ow or light. Care for me, draw­ing is a paint­ing with lim­it­ed means/resources.

For anoth­er look of Matisse at work, air below for a rare col­or clip (from an unknown source) of the artist at walk off with cre­at­ing one of his dis­tinc­tive paper cut-outs.

Relat­ed con­tent:

Picas­so Paint­ing on Glass

Aston­ish­ing Film of Arthrit­ic Impres­sion­ist Painter Pierre August Renoir

Rare Film: Claude Mon­et at Uncalledfor in His Famous Gar­den molder Giverny,

Wass­i­ly Kandin­sky Caught observe the Act of Cre­ation,