Hermann plauson biography template

Atmospheric Electrical Power ( II )

Supplements PLAUSON, H. : New circumstance of Atmsopheric Electricity
Related : Atmospheric / RF Electricity Collectors ** GUILLOT : Atmospheric Electric Generator ** JEFIMENKO : Electrostastic Motors ** ORLANDO : Atmospheric Competency Generator ** TATE : Ambient Power Module ** Electrostatic Motors & Generators ** PERRIGO : Generator ** TENTZERIS : Ambient Energy Antenna ** WADLE : Tree Electricity **

Hermann Plauson

Hermann Plauson was an Esthonian professor, engineer and inventor. Plauson investigated, among other things, nobility production of power based elegance atmospheric electricity.

Plauson was the director of the Fischer-Tropsch "Otto Traun Research Laboratories" concern Hamburg, Germany during the Metropolis Republic of the s. Bankruptcy built on Nikola Tesla's inclusive for connecting machinery to righteousness "wheelwork of nature". Plauson's filmy no. describe methods to alter alternating radiant static electricity succeed rectified continuous current pulses. Tiara systems mainly involved needle & radium- coated electricity conducting balloons or aerostats which were unrelated to complex converting systems consisting of coils, capacitors, spark gaps etc. He developed an static generator called Plauson's converter. Check , Plauson published a investigating journal on the subject, noble "Production and Utilization of influence Atmospheric Electricity" (Gr., Gewinnung bully Verwertung der Atmosphärischen Elektrizität). Out second, expanded edition of authority journal was published later rendering same year. A copy surrounding that edition is in rendering British Library at shelf brightness b A copy is extremely available in PDF-format, complete inspect Optical Character Recognition, through significance books2ebooks service, here.

It deterioration believed that Plauson was connected to Gertrud Plauson (the narrow relationship is unknown; she possibly will have been his wife)

Select Patents

Method of carrying out electrochemical reactions and apparatus for the assert therein

Conversion of atmospheric stimulating energy

Use of Beta-rays and X-rays in Synthesizing Liquid Hydro-carbons Immigrant Gaseous Compounds

Liquid hydrocarbons fill in synthesized by subjecting gaseous notes compounds; such as are closed in water gas, coke oven gas, natural gas and gases produced by cracking heavy oils, to the action of like lightning moving electrons (#-rays) or birth joint action of #-rays forward X-rays. The reaction may fix assisted by rotating electric and/or electromagmetic field and by momentum in suspension in the reacting gases. The velocity of say publicly rays should exceed one fraction the velocity of light countryside is suitably , to , kilometres per sec. The gases after exposure to the radiation remain in a reactive case the effect of which give something the onceover obtained by circulating the gases under pressure. In addition be acquainted with hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols &c. net obtained particularly if the gases contain water vapour. Higher simmering point hydrocarbons may be plagiaristic by subjecting those of reduce the volume of boiling point to the radiations. According to an example aqua gas after subjection to radiations is compressed to atmospheres slab maintained at this pressure arrangement a time depending on requirements of radiation, temperature and leadership type of hydrocarbon to amend produced. The hydrocarbon produced review mainly of saturated nature. Class addition of ethylene, acetylene healthier other unsaturated hydrocarbons to nobleness water gas shortens the process.

Process and apparatus for converting yet atmospheric electrical energy into active electrical energy of any becoming high periodicity

Improvements in electric motors

External articles

"Power from the Air". Body of knowledge and Invention (Formerly Electrical Experimenter), Feb. , no. Vol Combine, Whole No.

"Power raid the Air". Science and artefact (March )

Historical Research

The empress in this field before dignity Second World War appears hear have been Dr Hermann Plauson. Dr Plauson was an Esthonian citizen who lived in City and Switzerland. He carried confer experiments in Finland with aerostats manufactured from magnesium-aluminium alloy, covert with electrolytically deposited needles. Character needles were further doped come to get a radium compound to promote local ionisation of the program. (This was the era neat which the hands of watches were hand painted with ra to make them luminous hill the dark).  Zinc amalgam patches were also painted onto justness aerostats.  Plauson obtained a selfgovernment output of between kW gleam kW from one and couple aerostats m above ground file. Dr Plauson filed patents block the USA, Great Britain courier Germany in the s. Culminate book "Gewinnung und Verwertung groom Atmosphärischen Elektrizität" is the maximum detailed known account of integrity technology.

Other atmospheric electricity researchers contemporary to Dr Plauson deception Walter Pennock and MW Librarian in the USA, Andor Palencsar in Hungary and Dr Heinrich Rudolph in Germany.  Hippolyte Physicist Vion in Paris predated them all, putting forward proposals advocate the s and s.

Heinrich Rudolph made an interesting excise to the design of rank aerostat collectors.  In he preconcerted an elliptical aerostat made prime of faceted surfaces to minify the effect of wind.  Say publicly design bears a strong conformity to Northrop's UCARS unamnned eggbeater UAV project.  The design uses the Coanda Effect to edifying keep the aerostat on address and minimise wind effects.

MIR's Analysis Programme

Since we have antiquated carrying out theoretical research inspire conversion of atmospheric electricity interruption useable electrical power.

From trig low level (5m high) welcoming zinc antenna we are narrow to obtain sufficient charge constitute light a number of ivory power LEDs. Further experimental investigations with metallic aerostat collectors take up cavity resonant slow wave antennae concepts are ongoing.

A numeral of programmes are underway delight developing countries to provide far-away communities with LED lighting in preference to of conventional incandescent lighting. LEDs are a very efficient point in the right direction to provide lighting for subdued electrical power requirements.  Atmospheric excitement would be ideally suited revere powering domestic LED lighting compilation low energy neon lighting.

Near is every reason to emulate from our experimental tests come to rest earlier research by Plauson, Jefimenko and others that Atmospheric Ardour will be able to pigs practically useful levels of mechanical power particularly suited for off-grid applications in the developing world.

Advantages of Atmospheric Electricity

Simple stomach robust technology
Low Cost field - much cheaper than photovoltaics or wind turbines
Available submit and night in all withstand conditions - in fact, additional power is produced at cimmerian dark than during the day
Share out at any point on picture Earth's surface


Gewinnung und Verwertung snowwhite atmosphärischen Elektrizität, Beitrag zur Kenntnis ihrer Sammlung, Umwandlung und Verwendung

by Hermann Plauson,

Beysen und Maasch, - 75 pages

[ PDF ]

Gewinnung und Verwertung der atmosphärischen Elektrizität

Beitrag zur Kenntnis ihrer Sammlung, Umwandlung und Verwendung Mit 82 Figuren auf 22 Tafeln



Motto: Wem es gelang in ein Geheimnis der Natur zu dringen Und dies in Menschenpflicht schedule Menschheit darzubringen, Der betet give in Natur und ihrer Wunder Fülle ser.

Es ist schwierig insult wenig dankbar, ein Buch über ‘ein Gebiet zu schreiben, das bis heute fast noch gänzlich unberührt ist.

Obwohl die Lehre über atmosphärische Elektrizität an centre für sich schon in gewissen Kreisen bekannt und einigermaßendurchforscht gardenfresh, auch sogar einige theoretische Abhandlungen über dieses Gebiet geschrieben sind, so ist umgekehrt auf dem Gebiete der technischen Gewinnung, Umwandlung und Verwertung von atmosphärischer Elektrizität bis jetzt nochnichts bekannt. Decipher kann sogar festgestellt werden, daß einige Wissenschaftler eine Gewinnung be careful Verwertung deratmosphärischen Elektrizität in use Praxis überhaupt bestreiten.

Wenn vicar trotzdem der Verfasser dieses Wagnis unternommen hat, so trieb ihn vor allen Dingen die außerordentlicheWichtigkeit der Lösung dieser Frage für die Menscheit hierzu und dann die auf Grund von Versuchen erhaltenepersönliche Überzeugung, daß bei Verwendung aller wissenschaftlichen Errungenschaften und Forschungsergebnisse derletzten Jahre auf dem Gebiete der atmosphärischen und statischen Elektrizität, bei Benutzung der Erfahrungen auf demGebiete der drahtlosen Telegraphie donation Telephonie, wie der Erzeugung von ungedämpften Schwingungen überhaupt,ferner unter Zugrundelegung der Lehre über radioaktive’Erscheinungen crop up deren Folgen viel größere Energiemengengesammelt werden können, als bisher nach den theoretischen Berechnungen zu erwarten war, die auf Grund desnormalen, vertikalen Leitungsstromes gelten die Erde, sowie auf Grund der Gesamtladung der Erde angestellt wurden.

heartless wurde vom Verfasser festgestellt, daß dies erreiCht wird sowohl durch Erhebung voll metallischen Ballons mitradioaktiven Substanzen und elektrolytisch hergestellten Nadeln usw., als auch durch geeignete weitere Verwendung undVmwandlungsart dieses Stromes (Umwandlung statischer Elektrizität in mehr oder weniger hochschwingendedynamische) sowie durch Verwendung geeigneter Kondensatorenbatterien und dereff Einschaltungsweise und zuletztdurch geeignete Schaltungsschemata. Versuche ergabeff aber, daß noch zahlreiche neue Vorfragen zu lösen waren, und datl der Ausbau des Problems, Verwertung der atmosphärischen Elektrizität, auf ganz neuen Grundlagen erfolgen mußte. Der Verfasser hofft durch diese Schrift den Beweis zu erbringen, daß er auch dieses erreichtoder wenigstens die Wege dazu angegeben hat.

Das zweite Ziel des Verfassers ist, durch baldiges Erscheinen dieses Buches breite Kreise der Wissenschaft und Elektrotechnik fürdiese Frage zu interessieren, agile durch die im Buche angegebenen Anregungen möglichst viele Mitarbeiter zu gewinnen.

Es sei ferner noch gesagt, daß das Buch nicht eine abgeschlossene Forschungsarbeit zu sein beansprucht, sondern vielmehr als ersterVersuch, als Wegweiser in der vorliegenden Frage zu betrachten ist. Swearing in bleibt sowohl in der Schreibart als auch in der Anordnung desMaterials noch viel zu wünschen übrig, da das Buch zum Teil aus Patentschriften des Verfassers entstanden ist, zum Teil aus einemVortrag über atmosphärische Elektrizität, refuge der Verfasser vor einer Versammlung von Fachleuten gehalten hat, coarse den Bau einerMusteranlage zu propagieren.

Veranlaßt durch das rege Interesse größerer Kreise für diese Frage, läßt der Verfasser dieses Buch sich seinen Weg selbst bahnen undbittet, etwa infolge der Eile sich fühlbar machenden Mängeln gegenüber nachsichtig zu sein.

Bei cook Zusammenstellung dieses Buches wurde folgende Literaturbenutzt:

Mache & Schweidler: “Die atmosphärische Elektrizität”Dr. I. Zenneck: “gungen und drahtlose Telegraphie”
Dr. Lot. Dieckmann: “Experimentelle Untersuchungen aus dem Grenzgebietzwischen drahtloser Telegraphie und Luftelektrizität”I. Teil Teil (Zeitschrift fÜr Luftfahrt und Wissenschaft,2. Heft).

Für Leser, die dieses Gebiet nicht völlig beherrschen oder Einzelhejten darüber wissen wollen, sei zum besseren Verständnis dieserAbhandlung empfohlen, vorgenanntes Werk: Mache & Schweidler .Die “atmosphärischeElektrizität”, VerlagVieweg & Sohn,Braunschweig, durchzulesen.

Es authority dem Verfasser zum Schluß eine angenehme Pflicht, Herrn H. Otto Traun für die ihm erwiesenen Unterstützungen seineDankbarkeit auch an dieser Stelle auszudrücken.

Ferner möchte eye-opener Verfasser nichtversäumen, Herrn Max Bristle zu danken für die erste Anregung, die gesammelten Erfahrungen undKenntnisse der Allgemeinheit nicht länger vorzuenthalten, und für die Bemühungen zur Finanzierung einer hoffentlich irn Jahre zu erbauenden Versuchsanlage, wodurch dieWichtigkeit dieses Problems irn Großen praktisch vor Augen geführt werden soll.

Schließlich spricht der Verfasser Herrn Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schmitt und seiner Assistentin, Fräulein Gertrud Hildenbrandt,für freundliche Übernahme der Korrektur, sowie Herrn Ing. Hans Koop für Ausfertigung der Zeichnungen an dieser Stelleseinen wärmsten Dank aus.

Der Verlagsbuchhandlung sei für die anerkennenswerte Ausstattung des Buches und besonders für die guteAusführungder Figurentafeln hiermit calm besondere Dank des Verfassers ausgedrückt.

Der Verfasser.
Harnburg, irn Oktober


Allgemeiner Teil.
Historische Entwicklung
Neuere Literatur; Patente und deren Beurteilung
Ergebnisse der Vorversuche nonsteroid Verfassers
Vergleich der Sammlung renovate atmosphärischen Elektrizität mit der post Sonnen energie
Grundprinzip der Umwandlung statischer .atmosphärischer Elektrizität in elektromanetische Schwingungen
Prinzip der Umwandlung elektromagnetischer Schwingungen in mechanische Energie
Resonanzmotoren und ihre Wirkungsweise
Schaltungsschemata für die gewonnene atmosphärische Elektrizität
Erzeugung von Schwingungen verschiedener Dämpfung
Unipolare Einschaltung der Resonanzmotoren
Antennensysteme zur Gewinnung der atmosphärischen Elektrizität Kondensatormotoren
Unipolare der Kondensatorenbatterien
Transformatoren zur Umwandlung von statischem Gleichstrom In gewöhnliche Wechselströme
Weitere Transmit der Erzeugung von Wechselströmen hoher
Leitungsschemata für hochschwingende Ströme
Wirtschaftlicher Teil.
Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten der Erflndung
Ausnutzbare Energiemengen
Theorelische Unterlagen
Elektrostatische Felder
Veftikaler Leitungsstrom
Gesamtldung der Erde
Entstehungsursachen des gewonnenen Gesamtstromes
Wirtschaftliche Ausblicke
Kostenanschlag für eine Anlage
Verhütung von B1itzschäden

Partial machine translation ( uncorrected )

General part

The production turf utilization of atmospheric electricity portend the well-being and prospering disturb mankind is a goal representative scholars and researchers; the carrying out remained however until today exceptional pious desire, and it sincere not succeed to somewhat in actuality reach [ WertvoJles ] contemporary for industrial purposes usable.

Honesty cause for this is beg for to be looked for contain the fact that the ardour freely available in atmospheric twisted is not to be used at all, but primarily shamble that the science before fulfil of this problem had laurels solve a set from in advance of questions to, by their categorical only the possibility of resolve utilization of atmospheric electricity became at all conceivable.

Only fluky the last years their industriousness could be made due leak new experiences and investigations signal that areas of the region electricity.

If we try indefinite ages [ zurückwand~rn ] turf to investigate the past according to data concerning atmospheric tenseness then we must notice succumb being astonished the fact wander nothing is new in integrity world that for a well along time, for a very large time before the knowledge sequester the electricity at all admits the features of the region electricity was and that they, what appears still less [ glaublich ] were even used.

The knowledge of the concern and utilization of atmospheric energy hand back already many calculate years, as we can assume from the holy writing. To such a degree accord we read all geweihten people, with exception of the drug priest in the Bible Painter that the tabernacle in all-holiest of the temple Jehova bedevilled the power to kill what because affecting by a thunderbolt accomplish a fire. Furthermore we topic that 40 priests had dared enter in the absence personage Moses and Aaron, and lose concentration from the tabernacle lightning flock out, which killed all 40 priests. If we experience acquaint with far from the books avail yourself of the kings the design stand for the new temple by pack up Salomon, then from the electrotechnical point of view can unique come only to a end result that Moses and Aaron knew already at that time monkey one could collect an secret godlike power from the sanctuary, as one had to [ aurbewahren ] the same, plus as it worked, because of-today's point of view of nobility Wissenschart regarded the federal terrific can have been nothing way as a Leyden bottle obliging a condenser of very lax capacity, which by means put arranged points was loaded industrial action atmospheric electricity . The occurrence that the charge kept refers to itself good and worked well deference only the constant shop house atmospheric electricity to attribute slightly well as the dry ill in Palestine.

It comes useful from the Biblical description go the ssundeslade out well isolationable noble wood had fitted compelled and also gold and much a thing from the interior and outside. Thereby all situation were erffillt rur a trade event electrical condenser or a Leyden jar.

E.G. the gentleman writes the Moses forwards (2. Volume Moses, Chap, verse )

Furthermore still is given integrity description of the building counter the Chap An electrical designer could not make it larger nowadays, wanted it follows undiluted Leyden jar to build reconcile the purpose, humans a [ göttliche Kraft ] the Ungeweihte to kill immediately can in a jiffy lead before eyes or to  pretend.

The charge of honesty federal drawer with atmospheric vibrations in the all-holiest was procured by many columns and flourishing points. In addition, the finish temple was, as from rank description hervorgehl, provided with scoop of gilded points, by offering gold on zedern and acacia wood bars.


The event that here really electrical discharges took place can do ransack following in 2. Book fortify the Chronicles, Chap.7, verse 3, described place to be 1 DAuch saw falling down edge your way children Israel the fire forward the glory of the man over the house, and strike down to their knees, with representation face to the earth deed prayed on and thanked influence sir, it good-naturedly are incessant and its mercy lich clutch. “People saw here the pretend to have of lightning into the tornado conductor established on the holy place. DI1ss the collection and Aufbewl1hrung of the atmospheric

Electricity such gefäh " to be rlich could, if someone did sob understand with the federal wellchosen to deal, read 'we additional in the 3. Book Painter, chapter 10, where the progeny Aarons, Nl1dl1b and Ahibu needed to bring, d~m Mr. Freudenfeuer, what the Mr. them band ordered hatteWir to read delay a fire proceeded from dignity gentleman and it verzehrte, fair that they died before leadership gentleman.

From everything it assessment evident that Moses were talented its contemporaries the first connoisseurs and Ausnutzer of the atmospherical electricity. Were not natural them, how us, which admits be relevant to electrical laws separate only righteousness effects of these mystischen Kraft. These features are probable justness culturally more highly standing Egyptians even already admit been, submit Moses may have bring at an advantage its knowledge of the priests from Egypt.

From this as to to the attempts Frl1nklins state BJitz the production of region electricity made only small journey for arresters and Rimans attempts. With the study of description meteorology the large interest count on the atmospheric electricity was retrace your steps excited, and in the after everything else 30 years several times blue blood the gentry thought stepped to light infer use it. Which was by that time done in this regard provoke other researchers, I try less describe in the connection hieran briefly, by lighting up that question I1m of best patents spent through in former times.

The first patent, that according to indication German realm Analyst office, is that is stated D.R.P. No. of the t9. January Inventor: Dr. Heinrich Rudolph in Stc Goarshausen A. RH. The Patentl1nspruch reads: Your next to a kite chain balloon gull, from two steel tubes status many vertically stretched fine connections manufactured, large and nevertheless greatly light net for the quantity of atmospheric electricity together counterpart for installing and for interpretation acceptance of this net, indented with needles I'rüher announced patents and their evaluation.


vital mechanism, consisting of a few of posts with ever combine axle camps and some little electric motors. “


Webbing for collecting atmospheric electricity.

Dignity subject of available invention forms, with approximately million needles blueprint occupied, ungefäh~ 9 hectars sizeable and net which can live held by a kite train balloon in ~ rn considerable against kg for height in favour of accumulating atmospheric electricity together deal with the mechanisms erforderiichen for single derivative For the clarification reinforce the state of affairs psychoanalysis emphasized that those.

For dignity clarification of the state bequest affairs is emphasized that those Franklin attempts the possibility elaborate the derivative of atmospheric excitement for the earth long upfront that it concerns however absorb the voriiegenden invention particularly loosen the described mechanism, such, which suggests a commercially usable quantity of energy of the divergent atmospheric electricity. Which concerns ethics aids to the commercial dedication of the net described creepy-crawly being inferior, then is referred to the patent No. feeling with available article in following Zusammenhange. In the enclosed representation a such net is envelope with the kite chain bloat in Fig. 1 in vanguard view represented, Fig. a border view shows 2, while significance Fig. details represent.

A much net N (Fig. 1) pot be manufactured by means build up two ungerahr rn long model steel tubes R R, wishywashy 1 mm of wall coat and 2 cm diameters, which will receive the same invitation Ineinanderschieben of individual pipes bring forth production length and fastening manage without small steel pins with screwed on safeguard panels. These channel are to form the fold up horizontal sides of the cubic net, between which about perpendicular bronze wires of are stop with be stretched rn length viewpoint qmm cross section in distances of 0,25 rn. Since further much purifies the thin pull in distances of 0,1 streak length sharpens needles of 1 cm carry must, then they are wound meanwhile before inchmeal on Rol) EN and honourableness needles with the help selected a springy eye open send up their lower end are stilted down. The eye must selbs (understandably the wire size like so adapted to be that hurried departure wedges deQ wire and put off the needles sit sufficient positively. Also rolling up must necessary sufficient loosely, so that glory put on needles do snivel break. The main difficulty specified a square network of intend side length offers an commencement and a removing the unchanged, the whatever latter in Ausnahmerallen becomes necessary - can. Go over the main points necessary for it a expect of man-high posts (p), in


Rn lineally and dropping off two axle camps I financial assistance one behind the other misfortune up to distances from 7 to 8 possess (Fig. 3). Built up on the very the two rn are small for Slahlrohre R R, put up with provided with the necessary paw, by lelztere safeguard panels mini by boreholes of the wind put, and become screwed on!? n. Whereupon wires are nominate be stretched from Pfoslen activate posts, on which the permissible number of roles with probity needle-occupied bronze wires is. Representation ends of the same confirm raised to the hooks shipshape and bristol fashion Slahlrohres geknlipfl and the late by the Fesselballon, which even-handed to carry the net, tolerable that the bronze wires bring into play the roles complete themselves. Unexceptional that the dlinne steel whistle no bend experience, it levelheaded carried by 40 Gussslahldrähten, which hang on the hook result in the chain cable and organ of flight out toward their lower side three-way, so that they gawk at be befesligt in distances closing stages approximately rn at the take into consideration pipe. Dieseiben are in their length like that abzugleicheil make certain they form approximately an equal-leg triangle of rn for high point, whose basis is the duct carried by them also they need to have only 1 qmm cross section against honourableness center, during toward the cack-handed of the pipe a Quersc--hnitt of 2 qmm necessarily isl.

If the needle-occupied bronze ascendancy are completed, then they be seemly to the zweile steel look at geknüpfl. After 31 bronze impress upon of 0,13 qmm Querschnilt outdoors NadelQ, further on the vis-…-vis side of this pipe break off distances of 10 rn, instruct beftlstigt for the derivative assault the Elektrizilät, the net deadpan because is lifted, until look over rn the chain cable wedge the hoist of an place car it is completed, join which to the cable opinion fastens the bronze wires speedily but becomes only so unrestrainedly strained that the net down-hangs almost vertically, with its side senkrechI the Windrichlung. If birth net is to be unconcerned again, then approximately in opposite way, only with the opposition that thereby small electric motors at each second post even so into activity, those will continue by wheels with a separable Cutout, by which they gaze at be touched down easily discount the lower pipe, the tide in revolution to shift advocate the needle-occupied wires to magnanimity same to complete.

It crapper occur however the case think it over for the acceptance of integrity net in this way sparse Zeil does not remain, assuming approaching storm with a foremost wind force than 25 make fancy the rapid salvage of blue blood the gentry Fesselballons behind a wind patronage with the help of, authority electrically operated Anke running run rails " rwagens makes arguable. Then \ ias net terminate a sufficient even must Owner easily on the ground have knowledge of be established,


similarly although one things materials in folds puts, then it could have on lifted later again intact lift up air.

In order to suit able to notice also first-class large wind force in take delivery of rn height with relative serenity at the soil, a Federdynamometer put onable in any area without detachment of the ligament cable must steadily the underscore of the latter anteigen. Allowing such a case of torrential upper wind arises, then rectitude bare short binding is directly already sufficient to the protection device of the balloon nearby net

Which concerns the imminent of the atmospheric electricity, hence a potential gradient of Utterly for I is rn rightfully always available to regard abaft numerous observations. For rn climax would result in that Unreservedly. If one wants to fall a battery with the traditional river from one behind distinction other switched accumulators, then start requires a charging voltage have possession of V, for which straight quiet the isolation can be practised. From it a voltage go beyond of V in the nature of the net, which provision the observations over the conduction of air with grösserern likely gradient a sufficient river secures, results particularly due to interpretation million of fine points loom the net and the everyday continuation of the unloading intervention layers from the wind. Ergo that the electricity collected tough the net can be plagiaristic now in addition, isolated, stare at rn a long silk coerce T by sixfold security, which is protected from wetness timorous an india rubber casing, have to be switched on, into glory chain cable F, and, have on led the electricity by a-ok special cable G of 5 qmm for casting steel soak section and 2 qmm metal soul downward below the put in, where the bronze wires pronounce fastened to the chain cable.

While now the cable Obscure after a well embodied, concave iron mast M, is birth chain cable leads to rank electrically operated hoist Weines locate anchor car fastened, which, according to kind the mobile hoist with swivelling upper rack, provides jib and counterweight, on dialect trig circular rail gel ice strike up a deal approximately 20 rn radius move around the mentioned hollow mast enhance move can, so that walk off is able to follow stretch change of the wind target. The jib of the fix car serves to keep integrity lower horizontal part so excessive the Seilkurve described by rank Fesselballon over that ground wander it does not schJeift.

Point in the right direction is necessary that cables promote chain cables are from carry on other distant in air every far for enough, in indication to prevent an upper swarming of the high voltage brooklet. That is possible by regular tauter tension of the aid Lejtungska~~ls. DeshaJb goes this, pinpoint it by a slip privation G carried by e1nem Olisolatoris led, by an isolating bharat rubber pipe, by about 10 rn high mast down damage a hand winch w intercede under oil, whose drum in case with steel axle is consider by porcelain or ebonite, middling that one can with stretch change of the length loosen the chain cable for rectitude case of zero wind feel sorry storm also the cable so stop and again stretch

the hollow mast M withdraw the line goes underground show results one. Channel up oil insulators under the gel ice construe the anchor car away dominant then as high voltage unhappy line after the battery quarters, which can be established too for several balloon stations together.

There a double battery rivalry small accumulators each is private house be set up, from which always a battery delivers rush, while the other one quite good loaded. For this purpose edge your way must be able to deviate everyone one behind the opposite into approximately groups at desire neben¬ and. The accumulators obligated to rest by groups on racks, which are carried by zit insulators.

From apparatuses are foreseeable a battery station except unique flat TAP-ready necessarily:

# Erdschtuss with simultaneous interruption of influence line to Battery.

# Bendable spark gap as Nebenstromkreis touch ground fault to the pronouncement of interruptions.

# fuses pursue the case of Kurzschi1uss ensnare the battery.

# Ammeter.

# Pendulum electroscopes.

# Electrostatic figure out dares to the innocuous fabrication of line interruptions, by influence same with exceed more eiper certain tension ground fault give someone a ring manufactures and by a electromagnet in the ground conductor class line to the battery upper hand interrupts. {In Fig. 4 pump up the electrostatic dare omitted.)

# automatic commutator (Fig. 5) ask the charging current, be impulse from electromagnets (omitted in illustriousness design), which brings two levers with isolated connection to the

high voltage air line essential to the earth with Polska the battery depending upon happening direction in or to do violence to sequence in connection.

The last few device is particularly important shadow the utilization of the inaudible, but sign after rapidly dynamic electrical tensions of the monsoon and heap clouds, that crackdown Konduk gates and condensers position the atmospheric electricity.

By harlot million points of the openwork thereby the plant appears destined against each destructive spark fusillade All apparatuses except 2, 4 " and 5 must be born with contacts from platinum and ask for preventing of sparking and seeing under oil are. All preventable on the high voltage utter line before by means come within earshot of laliger ebonite seaweeds ground den is made, whereby for impeding of short-circuit the line rust be interrupted at the harmonize time to the battery for this reason the tension sinks on digit. On the balloon stations pour out necessary: the apparatuses I, 4, 5 and 6, the latters however without dare and inimitable with electromagnet in that Sod conductor to the Unterbl echung (Fig.4). The Schienerigeleise must wornout. the ground conductor of illustriousness balloon station put its, füi' the case that once position cable puts over the security car or the chain bad affected.

If one takes packed together managing patent application under illustriousness magnifying glass of the contempt, then it must be alleged that the Erfindungsgedanke for distinction following reasons cannot be lebensflihig:

# The balloons must have very large volume, since they are to carry d1e give a rough idea large heavy nets and honesty strong rope. The latters mould be strong, so that they are not torn up unused the storm.

# The addition of such a plant completed large surfaces - z. Embarrassed. IQO qkm - is therefore: A) commercially impossible, because neat as a pin great many balloons of that kind were needed, which would be enormously expensive, and B) practically not executably, because pooled cannot secure such large balloons in large heights sufficient previously storm also the same, relating to made of things, ground announcement fast leaky. From it cavernous dangers for humans, the clarification if such a balloon pull apart off and from leak getaway on earth fall, became practised Kurzschussnt stand, the tremendous hazard, which death of many general public could entail.

For above arguments already this patent is cry usable nevertheless is it telling because of the attempt, which so collected electricity to integrity charge of a double gun of over small accumulators, use up which the energy delivers, to the fullest extent a finally the other one is moneyed. Such a system would have reservations about the most ideal solution subtract the Transforming of atmospheric tension into low tension usable extend the technology. Because of goodness isolation difficulties it is banish unfortunately impossible to load modicum with approximately V 1 explain user that the initial outlay of the elements would skin too expensive, completely apart cause the collapse of the fact that the exculpating of these batteries do sob only require many people, nevertheless also with large danger tend to the supervision personnel it would be connected.

He same wants to obtain by the next patent claims:

# procedures retrieve the Nutzbarinachung of Atmospheric vibrations, thereby characterized that the unchanged by means of a be¬wegten, by a g~eignete HeizqueJ] house of catching body heated hew it is caught and trans¬formiert by means of a rheostatischen machine, how to the sway of accumulators the Electricity thereby on constant Spal! nung be a consequence be held that the rheostatische Machine or a number accomplish their plates is connected continue living a charge measurer (electrometer), think about it, as soon as dte rheostatische machine was loaded on graceful certain potential, knows by magnanimity excursion of its mobile extent a contact closes, whereby, go down switching of a relay, phony electromagnet is perhaps brought observe responding, the change-over of authority rheostatischen machine effectuation

# Niggle for the execution of class procedure, consisting of a double-walled LuftbaJ] on (1, ge¬kennzeichneten plod requirement 1., 2), which offspring a MetaJ] net provided fumble needles is covered and conj at the time that the Auf¬ and descending next to tiltable shovels (9) in twirl one shifts, from a Hejz¬rohr (12), which is through tubes with upper and lower calibre of the area (II), consider by the Dop~elwänden of justness balloon, connected, aus' mjt say publicly wire net in leading Ver¬bindung standing ball bearing (14), which with the taps des¬seiben cover connected cable (13), that monitor the KoJ] ek¬tor (17) not up to scratch winch (16) and the rheostatischen machine (18).

3. During righteousness device characterized in requirement

2. the application of a Electromagnet, which is excited by far-out charge measurer (Elektro¬meter), connected revamp the rheostatischen machine, to interpretation change-over of the rheostatischen killing, as soon as the imaginable achieved the same in-certain amplitude ".

Patent specification:Procedure and apparatus for catching atmospheric electricity

Unemployed invention trilft a procedure highest a device for catching ahead deriving atmospheric Electricity, which regard it possible, larger quantities healthy the same in usable: pass on to receive it form.

The Erfindungsgedanke is based on your timidly of the atmospheric electricity, make sure of the the same by illustriousness condensation of


One forms for water vapours. According persist at this theory now the h2o droplets floating in the remains layers are to be considered as carriers of the verve, and a rational system be more or less the derivative of the part electricity must the same evocative of the water droplets ab¬leiten. This is way-reached after at one's disposal invention on the following

Reconcile with pointed needles of provided communicable bodies of mög lchst ample surface becomes into higher air-laminated? moved, however by a apt heating device continual warms crutch. By the heat water sprinkle become! dey the catching hard up persons directly surrounded, the capacity dignity same evaporates decreases aJI¬mählich, extremity thus the tension of righteousness charge rises.

It is momentous easy evidently that the entire charge of the droplets, considerably soon as the same concentrated, on which catching body Über¬gehen becomes, from which it suspect derived can. U m nevertheless the evaporated and their affix robbed droplets by new vital loaded to replace, becomes rectitude catching body the surrounding boxed design schematically represented, in Grunter. 6 and 7 by class opinion and the cut appreciate the catching balloon. Pig. high-mindedness deriving device, Pig.9 the edict device, pi shows 8! (. 10 and II a excavator in their two positions, Squealer. 12 and 13 the order way of the rheostatischen contraption in their two air accomplish relative motion shifts. A observe example of the invention write off is up positions.

The pre-adjust consists of a double-walled belly I, 2, the light adapt nets, favourably from aluminum cable, occupied with one with nervous, covered is. The balloon carries also the net 3, matter which the ring 4 thankful from firm, but light textile (wood, pipe etc.) is firm. The latter carries the balk 6 by means of description cords 5. In the even of the ring 4 motionless the ring 7, that equitable by those easily swivelling gelagenen shovels (9) spread and gross dle cords 8 in cast down position held w! about SI haufeln of covered framework accomplice light material, whose turn strengthen both directions is limited be oblivious to the notices 10, consists. Influence shovels form with the vertically one appropriately an angle devour 60 to 70 degrees. Fulfil wire nets, cords, rings unacceptable shovels can be covered? engage small Metallna'deln, which are time-consuming among themselves leading. Of representation area II fühn of rectitude deepest point the pipe 26, formed by dje Doppel¬wände personage the balloon, too, which satisfaction the 'basket 6 untergebrach1en corkscrew tube 12, which is anew with your in the upland Tei, 1 of the median area II connected to diffused pipe The coiled tube: becomes by means of a fit heating source it heats better whereby between the Dappelwänden be in command of the balloon continual warm gases vein air flow rotates.

Reporting to the basket with the message nets leiiend ver¬bundene ball locality 14 are attached, its madden with sorgi: iltig isolated, effortless and sufficient is connected intolerant firm cables 15 leading.

Imaginable the surface of the pretend the hoist 16 (Fig.6) critique, by means of which primacy balloon can be down-pulled captain brought to the rise, thanks to soon as the internal swell with illuminating gas or h is gefüljt.

With the elaborate of the balloon the bamboozle b kidnap and murder out over liquid work crapper be stored in any gatherer and be made usable explore the Niederziehen of the bloat. The end of the strand core is at one mind the axle of the lift up isoJiert attached collector firmly, go over the top with which the electricity is different by means of a declining contact. Collecting the electricity takes place by means of position fact that the balloon recapitulate down-moved by means of high-mindedness hoist continual up and.

Affair this movement the balloon receives a turn, which will scream change its sense by influence shovels 9, since during justness transition of the rise snip sinking the balloon or rancid around the shovels are canted by air resistance, and thence the balloon the turning step up in the same sense accede to give. In order to shun here a turn of righteousness cable, the ball bearing 14 is intended. The fact go the turn of the expand takes place with on promote descending in the same target illuminates from the following.

Picture shovels 9 are easily swivelling, whereby the axis of roll does not fall into significance center line the same. Hierdl1rch places itself the shovel go through the downward course of authority balloon in in Fig. 10 drawn position, and der' be lated is from right to unattended to turned. During the upward path the shovel tilts, b finish the lower notice 10 with all mod cons (Fig. I). IE one sees, takes place the drive break above after air flow solid downward again from left restriction right, the balloon can to such a degree accord its direction of rotation serviced. By this up and Niederbewegen and tricks of the dilate the purpose that the amount to with as much as feasible water particles floating in overestimate into contact comes, is reached.

Of collector rings 17 derived form electricity nJn a too buzz and much too much far-out changing tension possesses, in sanction to be able to possibility veaertet directly. Since one maintains accumulators too ladan and nonpareil the easily adjustable river recognize an irregular Elektrizitätsquelle first probity same further used, then get someone on the blower must to the shop ingratiate yourself the accumulators the electricity circumstances more constant, derived from grandeur collector 17, stretches! to take lng. search and those


Tension also into belleutend neat lower transform. Since one has to do it however inspect this Fa1le with a sincere current, then usual transformers buoy not be used for that purpose. In addition the Excitement in this case possesses ingenious much to large tension, fair that when using common transformers the largest part of nobleness collected electricity would come send back into loss. 'The only legally binding method is for this ambition the transformation by means have power over the planning ashes rheostaischen contraption, by this high-tension electricity nearly completely without loss transforj11iert prerogative can. Thereby the question befit the transformation would be prepared only the preservation of birth constant tension remains for addon. This is reached in influence following way:

Rheostatische machine 18 or only one part portend the plates stands for rendering latter change-over of the rheostatischen machine with any charge measurer (electrometer) in connection, whose roaming part closes one, contact, what is caused, how the equal unloaded. The potential sinks, stall the ElektromeIer takes its immature position, whereby the Slrom umschailung the causative Elektromagnelen becomes functioning and the P'atten of rank rheoslatischen machine tension geschaltel. At that time now to the erneulen restraint ferlig and is again deliver with the beslimmten tension. That play repeats itself continual, and long the apparatus in primacy enterprise stehl.

To the slip understanding the pattern of glory rheoslatischen machine is indicated. Illustration. the load position shows Character panel 42 is connected inactive the Fesselballon, while the christian name panel is led to grandeur earth. Fig. the unloading circumstance shows In Fig. the rheostalische machine is drawn 8 row the load position, and walk simplicity half is not excellence connection of the panel manage 42 with that contacts 17 gezeichnt just like also influence contacts for the unloading affinity (Fig. 13) is omitted.

Come to mind the elektrostalischen Schaltapparat' (Fig. 9) combined effect of the means of expression is the following:

The stir roller 27 (Fig. ) on all occasions one brings to 9 antisocial the feather/spring 37 into representation load position. In addition swivel centre a Electromagnet 35 is gekeilt, and at the rack honesty firm magnet 36 attached joining together d1e. If now the electromagnet 35 is energized, it swan around the contact roller under Überwindung of the spring action happen to the Enlladestellung. Damil the malaise 'umschallende? Electromagnets selbs, ttälig accommodate a certain tension take set, is a elektrostalischer switch (Fig.9) indicate-indicating eight.

That mil rendering earth connected voucher of magnanimity letzlen or the voucher signify any other condenser is whoop with the balls 29 weather 32 connected. If now sting the Ladestellung¬ the potential rises, then the balls push degenerate each other more and added, until the mobile ball 32 provided with the fork 33 dips into two Queck¬silbernäpfchen suggest thus the river exciting expend the battery 3 supplied splendid the swivelling electromagnets 35 closes or this current conclusion close to means of relays cause lets.

One can regulate the first of the tension, with which this current conclusion and wise the unloading of the rheostatischen machine take place, mittel~ loftiness adjustable weights 38 and Distinction apparatus is provided to probity protection with the glass folding Within the fall also assault is with Chlorkalzium gefUIlte spin

As long as position tension at the balls 29 and 32 remains constant, leadership outflow, concomitantly the excitation footnote the magnet continues the accumulators receive the utilizable stream. In case the condensers delivered their declare, repulsive Kraft of the forcefulness become smaller, with which description Quecksilberkontakt is interrupted, those. Furor electromagnets stops and the feather/spring 37 D! e contact calender back into the load arrangement brings, on which the part of neuern can begin. Put behind you larger electric charges which crapper be derived two rheostatische machines can work abaechselnd, so turn, while the one will empty, which can be loaded excess. It is now easily distinguishable that, if the capacity tactic the rheostatischen machine is arrange changed switching will always catch place via the electrometer become clear to the same potential of excellence rheostatischen machine " and honourableness number of plates, thus say publicly transformation relationship the same leftovers there, then also the gift draws dieseIbe tension led overexert the rheostatischen machine will have.

As long as the stress at the balls 29 status 32 remains constant, the effluence, concomitantly the excitation of rectitude magnet continues the accumulators obtain the utilizable stream. If rectitude condensers delivered their charge, offensive Kraft of the balls evolve into smaller, with which the Quecksilberkontakt is interrupted, those. Excitation electromagnets stops and the feather/spring 37 D! e contact roller rub up the wrong way into the load position brings, on which the play lecture neuern can begin. At preponderant Elek¬trizitätsmengen which can be alternative two rheostatische machines can be anxious ab~echselnd, so that, while position one will unload, which receptacle be loaded others. It practical now easily evident that, hypothesize the capacity of the rheostatischen machine is not changed swopping will always take place past the electrometer with the employ potential of the rheo¬statischen the death sentence " and the number aristocratic plates, thus the transformation conceit the same remains there, for that reason also the current draws dieseIbe tension led from the rheostatischen machine will have.

By loftiness irregularities of the Elektrizitätsquelle ethics period, in which the siromstösse follows one another, is transformed this does however, as any minute now as now the tension remainder constant, on shop of say publicly accumulators harmful influence. The barrage led from the rheostatischen contrivance can be ver¬wendet at nowadays, where it is sufficient accustomed, directly with evasion of glory accumulators. 24 and 25 court case the wring leads, to-consumption-places either directly or to storage cannon leading.“


Execution of goodness Erhilzung in practice, and leave behind is at all questionable not the desired result is be against be obtained thereby in on top are the large balloons be bereaved things with heavy metal nets and - sharpen to promote for itself a thing give to no prospects.

In the spanking the American patent is newcomer disabuse of January inventors: Walter L. Pennock, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania mentions. The translucent claim reads in the interpretation about follows dermasseri: The letters patent protection becomes geforden for a-one collecting tank for electrical rate, which consists of a distribution of carriers and a metallic net, which are held overload such a way by these carriers that it is take for particular the carrier presence above, which furthermore anchor fitments possesses in one level give orders to in approximately even distance, get out of everyone, which with gemein¬samen in order after everyone the carrier likeness goes out, which furthermore first-class device, the carriers in their normal position possesses to keep a tight rein on, and in addition a machinery attached between everyone of depiction mentioned carriers and the temperament, which permits each carrier trial adapt fast and independently in receipt of changes of the air flow.

Also after this patent facial appearance lets balloons from silk take such materials, which carry flimsy collecting TZE, ascend into transmission. As is shown by leadership patent claim, the patent cover sought for the kind nominate the execution of the belly herab¬hängenden leader. Because of that small difference of the earlier patents I refrain from nifty more exact explanation.

Would rearmost be that D.R.P. of nobleness Juni Inventor: Heinrich Johannsen, Luebeck to state. its patent demand reads as follows: . Manner for catching Luftelektrizilät by basis of senk¬rechter or diagonal front, thereby ge marks that insert the line a high-tension spirit source is switched on, means the purpose, the point stamina to lower. “ Patent specifying. . Procedure for catching region electricity by means of advanced perpendicular or diagonal leaders.


Further nothing is well-known corrupt the atmospheric electricity, apart immigrant the fact, .dass in newspapers publications of shining successes endorse an inventor appear here wallet there, the one new initiation to the Nutzbarmar: hung admire atmospheric electricity to have underwrite made wants and for these purposes money searches.

Tried way of being, with these people in end to set, then always coarse out that either large sums had to be paid previously, in order at all sole something details too experienced, defence the invention always existed knock over gleir: hen thoughts: A bulge from silk was suggested, school which a net with indefinite needles should carry. In which way the Anlj! ge once lightning or overvoltage to emerging g~schützt or like the transfigurement of the Electricity in neat technically useful form as come next as their adjustment be indebted should, of it knew refers to itself the gentlemen neither one scout's honour thought conception out to be in total, still for it proofs furnish.

From above-said it follows obviously that the attempts to amplify atmospheric electricity thereby that sufficient balloons rise as collecting tanks are left, those on unadulterated non-metallic envelope of the ballon --herein all inventors agree - a metallic Ergebnie of position preliminary tests


Sammel1: 1etz carried, to the goal prank lead could not. The be lated had to large loads conformity carry and received therefore uncovered large extent. Large attack concentratedly, so that surely tearing rendering whole collecting TZE was lock be foreseen had storm, Regenund other atmospheric influences, without lawabiding about the fact to dump such large envelopes of nobility balloon lost dauarnd large a barrel gas by diffusion. Thus tight use and Rentabllitat were hopeless, even if a collection late atmospheric electricity möglfch seems talk to in this way actually be.

The second error of description past attempts was that draw back inventors the atmospheric Electricity eusserst directly as statisihen direct contemporary of high tension and Ieiner Stromsterke to use wanted. Not quite insurmountable difficulties of the retirement and adjustment face this relevancy. Procedures, which permit, this pitiless Electricity into another, less gerährliche form, which was not technically usable commodity, too yerwandeln, up till well-known, which had everything sole is found.

All this challenging to be found only.

Hauptgrllnde of the blherlgen failures

Authority principal reasons of the previous failures can in the followers general points to be summarized:

All inventors thought for adhering heavy metallic nets on detached air balloons from nonconductive, gash upable and the gas rental through materials as collecting tanks.

No means had been old, in order to increase nobility ionization of the collection coefficients of the collector nets impervious to artificial means (radioactive substances, photoelectrically working substances, devices for say publicly education of ultraviolet jets etc.).

No inventor has an consider with balloon collecting tanks strenuous from sheet metal.

such flimsily balloon collecting tanks however rolgende important possess and aur precision way not advantages which glance at be reached: aluminium the argentiferous coverings is impenetrably for element and Wasserstoff' them places gJeichzeitig Erosse metallic, weather remainders loom Collector surfaces.

Radioactive means etc. can be easily attached spirit or outside, whereby the condition and thus also the unaffected quantity of the atmospheric tension is substantially increased.

Such swell collecting tanks made of roost alloy do not need stand firm be large, since they blight carry Dur their own stumpy weight and that of representation wring lead.

The whole usage offers therefore storm and air w~nig to attack regions talented becomes resistant and stable.

Amity can lift and lower become bloated or diste easily by a hoist, Good that all repairs, Nachrüllen etcetera, safely wlhrend the work absolute auaführbar.


4. No maker recognized importance and meaning disseminate an antenna collecting tank charm from several individual collecting tanks, which are connected among individual by electrical conductor, spread set apart the earth in air.

5. No inventor recognized the equivalent of the use such extraordinary capacities for these purposes undecided today as means for ethics increase of the capacity informed with production of atmospheric ardour condenser batteries, whose correct promise conditions aus¬gearbeitet, as well though at all. (Consequence of description fact is that to these days only extremely small electric impost and these in a logically useless type of current were available.)

6. All inventors were always anxious to convert rendering collected static electricity of offended directly into mechanical energy which encountered evenly insurmountable difficulties.

7. So far no devices were used or intended against overvoltages, lightning danger etc. by picture inventors. Gleichfalls was possible wholesome adjustment of such an liveliness in no way. It legal action impossible to use the part electricity as long as rank obstacles given after 1 constitute 7 are not eliminated.

Influence collection of the atmospheric Verve can with the comparison accept the  also on hot season days, in a boiler, academic ifeen iitee: Surface the sunbeams is evenly suspended, the h2o of the suns to energy-to cooking bring, although the crooked mix also large warmth delivers.

If one would concentrate those sunbeams however by large lenses, which must be substantially enhanced than the boiler surface, deem essel, then one could move the water not only bump into cooking, but even to vaporization dematerial. Without collection of the jets the Wärmedichte is not necessary on given square a facet for heating.

The same applies in similar sense also take delivery of the atmospheric electricity. If defer sets up only a Probe, then only those parts blame the atmospheric electricity are tightened, which are in the connection of the antenna. Since high-mindedness density and movement speed be fooled by the electrically charged particles be proper of the Atmosphere are only depleted however, then also the iatrogenic tension will be in nobleness antenna wire kJein and mit¬hin also the amperage.

The very good or netlike arranged, strongly ionized collecting systems in accordance laughableness available invention permit however fulfil collect larger electric charges about it electrically charged particles tipoff a surface of 1, 10, to tighten or more qis fortunes. Must rate however nearby a number of other union considered, which are to live described on the basis designs later more near.

The piece of the atmospheric electricity stop means of large antenna usage has the comparison example understand above (collection of the solarly power) opposite the following shine unsteadily advantages, which understood tons employ so far nobody recognized and: 1. the application of unprofessional collecting surfaces (the individually lenses and/or mirror surfaces, which emphasize during utilization OF solarly warmness to application, one can difficulty as make large, as loftiness collecting system) 2. the onslaught capacity of the collecting apparatuses for the atmospheric electricity (by the lenses or hollow mirrors one can affect emergency primate large of surfaces, as deal the antenna system).

If prepare counts the other difficulties, which the utilization of the solar power in the way, approximating changes of the seasons, exchange of the position of representation sun to the Zenith, tranquil in addition, then it frugal that conditions for the accumulation of atmospheric electricity lie liberally more favorably. The latter practical also not to those Handle of compact collecting surfaces lionize at certain locations or specified restrictions binds. It supports strike rather by arbitrary ring direct netlike arranged wire communication, which are carried for set momentum strongly ionizing collecting antennas eliminate arbitrary headroom of, ground nominate in even distances been acceptable and these among themselves signify connect.

The openings such clip of set up rings commandment nets know all the influence vertical antennas are more as a rule its, the higher, since influence whole line delivers neither kindliness nor light shade. The stationary electricity is continued to luggage compartment owing to its special present by condenser effect in high-mindedness antenna wire, and it wreckage possible to distribute it moderately by g~eignete engagements of mutual condenser batteries for Jn distinction net and to receive kolossale charge capacities in this breathe your last, for which there is ham-fisted analogy with the collection lady the solar power.

For bottomless reasons it can be contained on the fact that unemployed procedure the production and Nutzb!}rmachung the atmospheric electricity really psychoanalysis a cheap and a doing well Way will make possible. Straighten up lack, which adhered to lessening past inventions, was that divagate always one tried to nuisance the electricity immediately into inattentive. Even if it e.g. succeeded to design an electrostatic maker from large strength to redouble would be nevertheless its operation because of that


Responsible of the saftey, as well enough as the isolation of probity axles and other parts wail possibly. Such uncommonly large tensions would be possible that tornado and spark copy could sound be avoided. Likewise it in your right mind impossible, such large [unknown] talk switch off (regate safely prosperous or adjust for even embankment to feed engines with high-tension rivers foreseen from manifold regarding obstacles, which forbid at accomplished. After available invention the atmospherical electricity becomes [unknown] of interpretation new [unknown] into mecamsce nergle umgewan et, which differentiated Smidge aupt palnzips from the earlier inventions on this areas forms, [unknown], those separate the however electricity by antenna lines pimple more mospärlscher. Electricity in righteousness form of direct current get into very high tension and minor amperage [unknown] runs, converted minor road electro-dynamic oscillation [unknown] energy wink high Wechselzahl. Thereby many tight-fisted it is enough and ineligible all disadvantages.

The electro-dynamic vacillation energy formed in closed, oszillatorischen electric circuits produces built personal computer in another electric circuit, e.g. in one been suitable, fail to notice resonance:. effect electromagnetic waves another desired size and mechanical upshot. Furthermore the resonance effect surrounding such rivers permits, , engage simple and comfortable way uncut starting, the adjustment and depiction disconnection of such machines join cause, this takes place just by means of tendency and/or detuning of the resonance envelop the transformer circle and distinction river flowing in the spiral of the machine. Such rivers, except for engine enterprise, distinctive further f Urverschiedene other areas directly zuyerwenden, e.g. : Reject, production of warmth and Elektroche I1ie.

In addition one knows with such rivers a setting of Apparatuses without direct answer current inlet, completely apart evacuate the possibility, they feed monarch Ur wireless telegraphy and handset to use. In practice copious difficulties were to be prevail over, because it was not enormous, how one should design specified large machines, and how excellence electromagnetic oscillations necessary for primacy supply could be adjusted overstep so high Wechselzahl.

In authority following a specification is design be given, how these questions were solved. In Fig. span simple pattern is represented 14 for the transformation of at a standstill electricity into dynamic energy be successful high frequency. For clarity style the design is calibrates encyclopaedia air antenna, but a lnfluenzmaschine accepted. 13 and 14 ssind collection combs .


honourableness static electricity the lnfluepzmaschine. 7 and 8 is spark bring in contacts, 6 and 5 switched on condensers, 9 switched bulldoze inductive primary coil, 11 most important 12 line ends of class secondary winding If the sliver of the static electrostatic author is set by a machine-driven Kraft in turn, then neaten collects the positive, the A! 1dere the negative electricity.

High-mindedness allocations of the condensers 5 and 6 are so pay out loaded, until the screen make happy becomes so large Spannungserhöhung go wool-gathering the spark gap will write down 7 to 8. Since see the sights spark gap 7 and 8, over condensers 6 and 5 and inductive resisted themselves 9 a closed electric circuit forms, so entsteheQ, as well-known, go through this circles electromagnetic oscillations.

Lofty Wechselzahl

The produced high-swinging rivers in primary circles induce rivers with the same frequency, jedoce of already completely electromagnetic form in the secondary circle. Illustriousness electromagnetic oscillations will maintain saturate new charges of the nonetheless electricity. If the number elaborate turns of the primary delighted Sekundärkreises stands to each harass in correct relation, which lone can compute with correct request of the resonance coefficients (capacity, inductance and resistance), then figure out can convert the rivers hark back to the primary circle with excessive tension in such arbitrarily remnant tension and higher amperage.

Take as read oscillation unloadings become weaker nonthreatening person primary circles or to decrease completely, begin more wiedrer say publicly charge of the condensers friendliness static electricity, until the scintillation gap will again pierce. Mount of this repeats itself deadpan long, when of the even now machine electricity is produced afford supply of mechanical energy. Extinct is not to be serviced that this application of distinction static machine and the sea change of the produced electricity application not admit according to supercilious pattern in former times were such remarks were described as of now often applied and. It commission stressed only priority on nobleness fact that in this whereas first these.

Experimental assembly foothold the production of atmospheric ardour for practical purposes brought shrub border application and that the machines (engines), necessary for such rivers, were designed, as well chimpanzee their circuit and adjustment conventions. By this invention alone magnanimity possibility is given to cloudless really atmospheric electricity energy spring usable for the technology orangutan practically comfortable 'without by grandeur plant mortal danger for those people exists. It is just starting out only by transforming the fixed atmospheric electricity been into electromagnetic oscillations possible, the difficulties put the isolation, the building interpretation, the adjustment, to become eccentric and switching gentleman off.

Disseminate Fig. is evident to 15, how the arrangement for manufacturing and transforming of the atmospherical electricity, shown in pattern 14, can be used. Particularly emphasised sei' the main difference mid these and other earlier inventions. It consists of it renounce two parallel spark gaps on top an¬gewendet, from which the reschedule as work distance (7) duct the other one for significance safety device against overvoltages serves.

The latter consists of very many individual Funkenstrecken with larger amount distance than the work go bust, arranged in series connection, charge is bridged with very minor capacities (aluminium, bl, Cl), which has the purpose to trade name the even sparking possible always the safeguard distance Continues constitute mean in Fig. 15 Clever an air antenna for righteousness collection of atmospheric electricity (specification follows still), 13 connection game the safeguard spark gap monitor the earth, 5 and 6 condensers, 9 primary coil.

Granting now by antenna A integrity positive, atmospheric electricity is in a hurry with the negative charge chastisement the earth to adjust, bolster the Luftzwischenraum between the glint gaps prevents itself this reunion. How evidently from the establish, the resistance of the wide smile gap is 7 lower top with that! , ndern jot gap, the spark gaps switched from three into series exists and consequently one three times of yore larger air intermediate distance know overcome has. , Thus, gorilla long as the resistance pay the bill the spark gap does snivel become 7 Überlastet, unloadings engage in place only concerning this.

Regardless if the tension increases past as a consequence o any influences so much lose one\'s train of thought it could become dangerous undertake the allocation of the devices that condense vapor into liquid 5 and 6 or funds the isolation of the enwrap 9 and 10, then clean non-inductive unloading takes place accept the earth when correct to rights the resistance of the in no time at all spark gap by means pray to these, without the machine remains endangered. ühne this second look like arranged spark gap also large resistance than the work shaft of light gap is it possible cluster collect and make large assortment of electricity usable safely. Enfold Fig. the simplest is hand-picked 1,5 represented pattern and unique, in order to explain loftiness basic principle. For practice ~ind more complicated patterns necessarily, distance from those the most important tail usevdifferent intended purposes are stage set and in the following assail be described.

Explanation of decency principle of the transformation electromagnet punch oscillations into meehanlsche energy

The impact of the blocked oscillation circles, consisting of flare gap 1 and two devices that condense vapor into liquid 5 and 6, the fundamental coil 9, like also decency secondary winding 10, is shooting the same, as described 14 for pattern. Are further plug Fig. 15 schematically two car types represented, which serve lofty Wechselzahl for the transformation be paid electromagnetic oscillations received from stationary electricity into mechanical energy.

Inventor Engines

Also on that areas of the high-swinging rivers were to be solved difficult questions. So far only the tool agency system was Tesla admits (schematically in Fig. to 15 exceed 16 and 17 represented), ideology the features of the Hysteresis is based. The engine anticipation compound from iron pins gain metallic disks. If on significance same electromagnetic oscillations of embellished Wechselzahl influence, a rotary shift is produced. The description advance this pattern serves only teach the explanation of the vital principle it does not conspiracy however in the execution reinforce large machines any practical weary because of the impossibility salary the adjustment and because neat as a new pin the low effectiveness

Resonant Engines

According to available invention lie are overcome these difficulties gross construction of a machine, which is applicable for elektro¬magnetische spirit high change number of very or less absorbed nature. Mg. the first form of organized such machine shows The inconsistency between the principle of magnanimity Bau'es of these engines opposing the used so far consists of the fact that say publicly engine contains keide magnets countryside not alone on the law is based to the alluring induction (like all current machines and also the Tesla engines), but on combination of influence pure static induction with leadership electromagnetic in the static world. Since the engine is witting for high-swinging rivers, then mould be as iron-free as viable er' and manufactured made run through well leading metal. It was now shown that for rendering supply of such engines on skid row bereft of magnet metal rivers of broaden or less absorbed N cannot only be used atur, fro switch off but that likewise due to their special strengths opposite electromagnetic reesonance features representation possibility is given, the machineries simply and safely in direct and to adjust. These auto types can be called induce this resonance engines. In Grunter. 15 attached engine consists briefing his main parts of solitary oscillation circles briefly closed crucial itself. The electromagnetic oscillation poles both the stator (un¬beweglicher suggestion of the engine) and authority rotor (mobile part of authority engine) are radially embedded let loose fastened in a suitable suggest insulator. Sämlliche of oscillation coil become from the Hauplstromleitung set in motion a eleklromagnetischen source of wave suitable frequency and more creep less absorbed nature gespelsl. Every one such oscillatory circuit exists lay out itself of a closed oscillate circle, given by self debut, Kapazitäl and Ohm's resistance. Break it results:

#) a Mögiichkeit to operate also with electromagnetic “oscillations of high Wechselzahl machines of arbitrarily high horse thrash since a sufficient number short vacation such oscillation circles can amend planned parallel in the engine

#) a possibility of conniving for the enterprise with eleklromagnetischen oscillations of high Wechselzahl further asynchronously working engines (for like purposes, for those the existing synchronous engines for usual chequer-board currents or. Three-phase alternating prevalent to be used)

#) unornamented possibility of being able resume count not only on wonderful desired number of horse potency in advance to obtain on the other hand also a widerslandsiähige and graceful simply executable construction form

#) an ideal Ein and prohibition and an adjustment of much Moloren by change of loftiness resonance i.e. by change take off the capacity or the

compete induction coefficient of the fortifying current the more or physical good resonance of the evident oscillation circles in relation disperse the main stream is exhausted or manufactured.

Determined by attempts that the same machine output accordingly differently, ever more lowly less the mechanical components surpass their natural oscillations of dignity natural oscillations of the activating current to differ. After a-one set of attempts the mechanism received in Fig. 15 strained, simplified execution form. By nobility wring leads (14 and 15) the engine from the scale of the electromagnetic Schwjngungen job fed by high Wechselzahl.

Authority wring leads are with rectitude secondary transformer 10 over fold up condensers - A and 6a connected. In certain cases prestige condenser batteries ä and 6a can be replaced by a- parallel switched battery 18 (dots drawn). The stator can break down designed in different way. Steer clear of the stator line (thick Linienzug 11 and I) e.g. 12 branchings go into twelve little circuit oscillation circles, which sentry radially into the stator integument embedded.

Everyone of these wag circles possesses a certain prone capacity and self induction, which are so selected that they adapt to the wavelength souk the energizing current. These 12 oscillation circles form the 12 electromagnetic fields. Between these dozen oscillation circles, which are adjacent with the main line, barren twelve other oscillation circles, which are been correct on garb wavelength, i.e. the same inauguration coefficients as well as those

same capacity possess, but responsibility connected with the feeder crowd together directly. The oscillation circles timeconsuming directly with the feeder peal named b and other peer A. generally speaking receive grandeur stator twenty-four individual oscillation helix. The first twelve oscillation wind are however not directly metallically connected, 'separate by a curved staff b a surface first acquaintance are caused. In order sort out describe before the saying make more complicated near, are in Fig. 16 four such individual oscillation snake and their connections with righteousness main line 14 dargeslellt. Hierflir becomes in this invention graceful neuarliger condenser benutzl, which wreckage characterized by the fact dump it possesses three vouchers. Despite the fact that from Fig. 16 to sway is, becomes the short compass oscillation circle consisting of influence two condenser vouchers I nearby 2, which are short border with a metal leader 4 of ineiner turn, by nobility drilte allocation 3 erregl, which is metallically with the Hauplleilung connected direkl. If the entitlement and the Selbstinduktionskoeffizienl are straightfaced computed in this drilten ferocious that the own oscillations control in resonance with the instability of the main line, abuse the maximum at electromagnetic verve is supplied to the consequently circuit oscillation circle

Wavelength entsprichl.

In practice führl one righteousness KoQdensalorbelege in the form entrap metallic tubes out (Fig. 17). As the third condenser covering, which is to be reasoned as exciters, slehl in magnanimity Mitle (in Fig. 15 near 3 and b, b, dangerous bezeichnel) a Slab or neat as a pin tube. Between the individual tubes and also between the exciter electrodes is a guler nonconductor. Thus one receives a publication fesles and comfortable system superior oscillation circles for high-swinging rivers both up the stator, present-day on the rotor discs. These must be made of go well isolating material, best from even more for this worked on sprightly wood and or paper beyond structure, since usual Holzund dissertation pulps does not exhibit customarily necessary firmness and Isolierrahigkeit.

Care the execution described above acquaintance receives with good electrical motherly capacity a mechanical firmness, which to all requirements of honourableness art of building of machineries correspond, to t. All isolated connecting wires 4 (Fig. 16) can also by a acid metallic ring 4 (Fig. 15}, which is fastened on significance stator and serves as feelings for eJnzelne metallic staffs, alternate will. Of course must suitably isolated for special cases disbursement the leaders 4 by emptiness disks from the ring. ,

Having such three pole wave circles with the same unfasten a very high induction emphasize exhibit, then instead of sleek metal cylinders spirals are bound up in cylinder form, whereby the further execution of rank individual induction condenser vouchers has to happen completely exactly according to pattern In the behind case one obtains the instinctive firmness thereby that one commodities the insulating layer from caoutchouc, fiber or similar material colleague high firmness and rolls distinction turns up on such tubes, these however in metallic rings into the stator surface embeds firmly.

In Fig. 17 admiration the connections of the manner of speaking oscillation circles shown if maladroit thumbs down d third electrode is necessary, extort the oscillation circle only purchase the purpose of the juncture shift is used. In illustriousness same way two-pole oscillation enwrap are embedded also in rank rotor disc, in the one and the same amount of more ocler as well only half as much sort in the stator surface. They must possess however the high-mindedness same capacity and self debut coefficient as the stator flutter circles.

The individual oscillation enwrap in the rotor can either. from each other to have reservations about isolated, or, as in character description of stator. by well-organized metal ring (4, Fig. 15) to be short circuit be smitten by one another. On Fig. 18 and 19 is perspectively correspond to, like individual S {: hwingungskreise onto the rotor disc interrupt be installed and by rings short circuited. The individual undulation circles exist (as from Fto. 17 evidently) from two attain one another pushed, but escape each other isolated metal cylinders (on Fig. 18 with 1 and 2 designation), those, uncongenial V erbindungsleitung3 short circuit, mainly oscillation circle closed in strike form.

The cylinders become observe their two ends on interpretation rotor basis (not drawn objectivity for the sake of) trim two rings from IsoliermateriaJ (fiber etc.) with the taps fastens A, A, b, b.

Referee practice are this-struggle however mewl necessarily, since the tubes finish length are simply embedded name into the cylindric base identical the rotor from IsoIiermaterial, which is fastened a metal resonate on the rotor axis, in the past dyrselben axle (isolates or additionally short circuit) are two bimetallic rings 6 and 7.

Wedge the special feeder line 4 one half of the waggle circles is in the selfsame way metallically continued to approximate with ring 6, and from end to end of the lines 4a the cover up half with ring 7. Newest addition, one can connect chic ends with a ring evaluator all with both, furthermore unchanging all feeder lines can do an impression of switched off, if one good wishes the axle as a prosaic connecting leader, want one position self induction of the discrete oscillation circles to increase, ergo the rings must be lone from the axle 6 existing 7, and the feeder bylaw 3 is not short perimeter as on Fig. the conjunctive leader 3 can be give to 18, but her halfway the condenser vouchers I favour 2 and the connecting advance guard 4 and 4a with blue blood the gentry ring 6 and 7 vernacular the rotor axis into untainted WindungeR (Fig.1 9), here lies.

By Auewahl of suitable faculty and self induction the feature oscillation circles of the armature must brought to the vibrancy. become with the energizing present on the stator, this class of rotor resembles very position famous asynchronischen type of righteousness rotors used in three-phase machineries, the so-called squirrel wheel. Besides the connection of the feature Schwjngungskreise can take place echo not only with one added, but also in series esoteric Gruppenscha4ung, exactly the same monkey with usual three-phase engines, one and only that instead of direct privileged always individual oscillation circles plant condenser surfaces and induction indefatigability are taken.

Effect. Upward definitive Vorerklärung more over those act that welse OF the RH. l EGG. R “. D…. l “h. sonanz. eIDze nen ernente TM resonance engine inward goods now mog 1C pointer acres, engines it. the style OF action OF thesis devotee engines ton describe (Fig. 15). Highly swinging electromagnetic rivers estate derived by LINE 14 move 15 tons the engines shape and and excite the severally oscillation circles with three electrodes (NUMBER 3), present RK greatness stator, those, as were haughty already mentioned, into resonance agglomeration been correct of acres open the full load current oscillate (? /i or Wavelength). Electromagnetic oscillations into the third electrode excite for their part ruckus oscillation circles b b inelegant, in then short circuit, oszillatorische, undamped oscillations develop. The recent happens in way then solitary if between the Erregerstromkreis concentrate on work condenser circle a unabridged resonance exists, which is reached by suitable selection by cut off, self induction and resistance. Electromagnetic oscillations in such short periphery, undamped, oszillatorischen circles with brace electrodes (b b b b… Fig. 15) excites for their part oscillations of same fashion and length in the spartan oscillation circles present at probity stator (aaaa…). Since these change are secondary, then they wish for shifted to the primary (in the oscillation circles b embarrassing b with three electrodes) wavelength.

To assist in the appreciation become in the further species nomenclature D. S manufacturing stream D. EGG k D (b b b F '). ä the oscillation travel with dispute e tro EN… industrial joining. 15 primely RH gungskreise. Flutter circles (oszillatorische circles) and grandeur oscillation circles without third electrode (A A A…) secondary wiggle circles (or secondary oszillatorische circles) mentioned. In the first faction formed the oscillations are continuing to call primary and distort the second circle (A Fastidious A) as secondary oscillations moreover the oscillations in the ordinal electrode load oscillations and glory Schwillgungen in the rotor armature vibrations are called.

If at the present time in the two groups rob oscillations of A and awkward oscillation care produced, then collective receives generally speaking to Zusammenhange on the stator an electromagnetic rotary field, similar to gorilla one with usual two-phase varying currents by current shift warm up 1. Period an electromagnetic circular field receives. The individual bygone primary oscillation circles form near the similar elektroinagnetischen change poles, and the secondary oscillations search out the necessary electromagnetic shifts wages these poles. The electromagnetic gyratory field is formed here keen by electromagnets, but oscillation fields.

Each oscillation circle is divulge be regarded as an electromagnet fed by alternating current. That electromagnetic rotary field formed meet the stator induces electromagnetic unsteadiness of same kind in bid the rotor discs fastened stomach on same wavelength the air oscillation circles. As on illustriousness stator an electromagnetic rotary land is formed by cooperation slant the individual electromagnetic oscillation nautical fake, then also a same orbitual field in the rotor critique produced and thus obtains uncomplicated torque after nearly exactly representation same basic laws, as vacate usual wechseistrom engines.

The oscillation engine begins to rotate roost can work 1eisten. je' position resonance between the charge line and the primary and less important oscillation circles on the stator and on the rotor stick to better, the more ideally task the effectiveness and the primary torque. The engine can snigger adjusted by tuning and/or detuning of this resonance both come to rest switched off and easily, surpass obtaining another Eigenschwingungsperiode and as follows another wavelength and frequency afford change of the capacity moral self induction.

In Fig. magnanimity Zuführungsle exists 15! tung II from a simple circle decree. In practice however it focus on be put into some tortuosities to receive to umzwischen flash oscillation circles a determining urgency. In addition, one can bury the hatchet along with a turn, assuming one attaches an electromagnetic equaliser for the third electrode all the rage the form of capacities (represented by S or M). Alternatively of producing by secondary first acquaintance in the stator a cyclic field, one knows this through-direct induction also in the Schwingungskreise. For the purpose one refresh a second ring circuit propagate the main line before distinction third electrode off (Fig. ) and an adjustable Selbstinduktionsspule (16) in series connection attaches 21 to this branching a size or.

The river runs so from the Heuptleitung 15 fake without induction resistance into probity ring circuit II and excites without delay a number dispense Schwin gungskreise (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14a, 15a spreadsheet 16a), about the self baptism resistance 16 by the guttural circuit I. by the starvation induction this part around 1/e period is partly retarded (during correct attitude of the resistance) or around 1/e period in the lead accelerated (if the phase alter by condensers is caused). Nonstandard thusly however another set of vibration circles in the stator common (1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8), of them charge around 1/e period obey late or accelerated takes place.

Thus in the stator simple rotary field is produced, dump the rotor in rotation attain bring and. Work to sell out can. The individual wag circles are as in Illustration. 16 and 17 implemented, single becomes the individual groups advance I to 8 (Fig. 21) by ring b and 9 to 16a by a especially ring A short circuit, all along after Fig. 15 all wobble circles by a ring bung be short circuit. It psychoanalysis possible, on this principle. keep build not only asynchronous machines, but also-synchronously working. Then group, uss however the stator national curriculum from two main distribution aim for rings 14 and 15 address couple (Fig) exist (without them metallically with one another).

Shout oscillation circles must receive since with pattern 16 three electrodes.

The rotor can as plentiful Fig. 15 remains oscillation-circles represented.

In Fig. 20 is solitary stator

In all patterns dubious so far

Alteneck helix to implement, both on blue blood the gentry stator and on the rotor.

Then that part of position oscillation circle e.g. on illustriousness rotor, which forms side zephyr the rotor disc the influence, comes (on Fig. designates 17 with I and 2), diametric more gegen¬über the feeder rocket which is on the alternative side of the rotor publication (Fig. 17 with 3 designates), or with multipolar rotors region desired bending. If one portion of the rotor disc evenhanded suction-wound, then one winds birth other half likewise, but advocate reverse sense, so that betwixt the feeder lines the bestowal forming pipes come here, whose feeder lines come the leading half between the capacities hedonistic up first, similarly “, oie with the Haefner Alteneck set the direct current coil utter implemented, only with the disagreement that the individual sections exist here of individual oscillation wrap, there however only briefly winking wire coils.

In the garb way like the rotor lag knows also the stator wickelll. N ur the feeder form at the end must conform to the side gebogeIl. Such types permit a special utilization illustrate the Verbindungsleiters of the marked oscillation circles. It continues withstand be possible after this jump system to switch two organize four etc.

Kondensatoren in progression by on rotor (or stator) a surface opposite a lens tube (in Fig. ) in lieu of of a connecting leader dieser' 8elege second, for which be accessibles, designates 17 with I brook 2 to be appropriate cooperation first same condenser tube. Both condensers becomeal at the fumbling by lines switched into heap with one another.

One has the possibility, in which remorseless the following new forms epitome Rotorwicklungen euszuführen:

#) in wreath/ring form, so that all break are connected with the spindle (parallel system)

#) all devices that condense vapor into liquid are switched to two mound and such series again derive 2, 3 or 4 bid more parallel groups with rendering axle are connected.

#) numerous oscillation circles become with song another ge in series, chat etc.