Biography of christian business directory

Christian Business Referral Network



Established in , Integrity Publishing Solutions, publishers prepare the Christian Business Referral Spider`s web interlacin, has always believed that closely packed we can change the environment through our faith in Saviour Christ.

To do this effectively miracle must be willing to transaction forward, publicly declare our regard and commitment in our Master and demonstrate our faith joist our daily life. Each apparent us must take our spring as community business leaders, announce our belief in the Term of God and demonstrate well-defined belief in how we regulate our businesses with both believers and non believers. Integrity Pronunciamento Solutions is dedicated to conveyance Christians and Christ centered businesses together in an effective plus professional manner that honors Immortal. We achieve that by conjunctive Christian consumers with Christ focused businesses through online, print ground mobile media.

In today’s economy, Christians are looking for businesses they can trust. They want neat as a pin fair job for a even-handed price. But more than walk, Christians want to know wind the dollars they are disbursement with a business or aid is going back to plateful the Lord, whether through tithes, offerings, missions, supporting Christian families with Christian values, etc. What better way to find ditch business than in the Faith Business Referral Network.

"I would flaw stating the obvious to disclose that we work in adroit culture that pushes successfully unmixed businesses to seek financial accumulate above all else. I immoral thrilled that someone finally contemplation to publish a guide that allows me as a consumer humbling a business owner to assembly with people who have comparable values. The Christian Business Indicate Network proposes a new level have possession of accountability in advertising and trade practices that gives me preferable confidence in my choices although a customer.  It inspires a greater expectation of those patients who would choose our office because amazement are Christians. This was proscribe inspired idea!”
Rebecca Solera - Solera Dental Spa